Monday, September 3, 2007

Thank GOD

I lay on my bed practically motionless as the night drew to it’s ends,staring outside through the windows waiting for the morning sun’s virgin raysto peep in.I generally prefer to doze off early as I feel that it keeps my circadian rhythms proper.but somehow though strangely enough I had stayed up for long on this particular night.really irksome moments whem you wait for something and the wait seems to be extending for eons.all kind of thoughts had traversed my mind starting from the usual chaotic life in hostel to major incidents which have proved so pivotal that my life,my existence and my mentality would have been so much different without them.thoughts springing up from unknown crevices of my psyche which I never thought existed making me wander through times past and present,wonder over events large or simply insignifact,mulling over issues which have shaped my charecter and rationality,I finally decided to thank GOD !!...what followed as a result of this decision was worthy of an entry in this blog which is supposed to reflect me.

I thank god for allowing me to be a part of his creation.
For the loving family to which I was born.
For the carefree years of childhood.
For the friends who walked with me through various crossroads of life so far
For the pain and suffering inflicted cause they made me stronger and reinforced my faith in you.
For the follies and pitfalls which you made me evade.
For the incidents which made me think,think,think and think some more without being able to conclude any reasons for their occurrence.
For the people whom I met and interacted and understood to avoid others of the same kind.
For making me feel the warmth and compassion which some really important people lavish on me.
For teaching me to accept defeat.
For teaching me to accept success.
For the extremes of emotions which have made moderation possible in me.
For making me realize the worth of parents.
For the moments of silence within which help me recognize myself.
For the harshness that made me realize that life is not a cakewalk.
For the memories which I treasure.
For the wins which made me confident and the failures which kept me modest.
For the beauty in everything you created and for the occasional eye to admire it.
For the few special people who have inspired sea changes in my perception.
For all the ‘things gone wrong’ which actually set many things right.
For the people I shall adore no matter what.
For the questions you never answer.
For the answers which required no questions.
For the patience and integrity that keep being strengthened.

...I could have gone on and on and on...probably forever but somehow had fallen asleep somewhere in the middle of this untimely thanksgiving.thanks again GOD for respite from this bizarre insomnia
I woke up late the next day and still in bed smiled at myself and uttered aloud “Thank you,GOD”.