Saturday, February 14, 2009

It’s that time of the year again

It’s that time of the year again

Of falling leaves and failing dreams
…kisses and scorns.hugs and severance

Cries and sighs….fits of joy..
Setting suns and hopes afloat…..
‘'Things will change'’….but they never do….
Life seems complete …..missing you….

Of Calm seas….of the turmoils within
The ghost touch, the warmth …. the intimacy
…murky hallways ..forlorn with grief
Twinkling mirth…..fading desires
Zephyrs monstering into storms
…..of the smothering reds
……and the longing blues

Promises unkept….words unsaid….deeds undone
….phantoms in silence….shadows in the dark
Of drying tears and echoing scoffs…

……There will be another year….another winter….another spring…..another smile
………..another sob….
……There will never be another you….

Aaah yes……
Happy Valentine’s Day