Monday, March 5, 2007


Drenched,a day’s struggle washed out,I step out and suddenly pause as my gaze is caught by the face in the mirror....”who is it?”,I ask myself as a striking familiarity lurks from the crevices of the mind..i draw closer,stare at it.
The face is unique.a half lifetime of torment writ large on the brow.creased and folded it reflects the anfractuous intricacies housed within.furrowed and pale-it has been rendered by the chain of deceits it has withstood.
The eyes stoned.a gaze profound and suspicious.the weeping interior fails to vent through them as tears dry before making it out-seemed to have seen everything....simple pleasures,endless miseries,insurmountable egos,relationships gone awry,the ignominy of rejection.delve into them a little more and they present a darker umbrage of misfortune culminating in heartaches, sagas of pain and fables of failures on and so forth.
The nose weary,having sniffed every emotion.the aroma of a mother’s affection,the puffs of spring laden with fragrances of first love,the odours of deception and the stink of guilt
I change the angle and notice the remarkable ears,still ringing in them are the echoes of mellifluous giggles,the venomous words of scorn,the eulogies of praise and the pejorative annotations.
the lips conceal within them storming revelations,confessions fighting to make it out,apologies and acknowledgements that never could be voiced,the tastes turned insipid with experiences of having loved,lost,....HURT.
I walk away....failing to recognize the face in the mirror.few steps paced I pause and reflect....
”....was that me ?”


unseenunknown said...

Perhaps every mortal will find some connection and fit into the jigsaw of words presented in your poem........

A very very emotive work of creativity.........
Avsolutely in love with every word.....

a blue eyed girl said...

wow.....awesome post, i love the detail! makes me wish i'd written more in mine....

Anonymous said...

Good words.