Tuesday, December 22, 2009


…Simple everyday events have such extraordinary beauty. The sun radiates livening warmth all day long The tall pines sway to the music of the playful winds. The scent of the soil as it drizzles on the parched earth. The little animals that graze all day long on the lush meadows …..and the evenings, when the feathered flocks fly homebound ,the crescent moon peeps up in the azure sky to lit the dark up in a dim idyllic glow….

I, of late though, was hardly noticing all this. I and my Bud were contended together. Ever since it blossomed I was preoccupied with it day in and day out. Every day I woke up not to the Sun’s bright warmth but to the glistening dew on its delicate petals. I admired not the tall swaying pines but the tender twirls of its jejune tendrils. I relished not the smell of the wet dust kicked off by the drops but the intoxication in the whiff of Bud's enamored fragrance. The ascent of the moon appealed to me no longer but my Bud’s wilting like a pliable lass at day end did lit up my nights. Time, in its enchanting company, flew by on rosy wings….

Once I, with my Bud accompanying , ambled along the great river banks. The great river whose waters meandered along swiftly. I fondly let my Bud onto the frothy white crest of the great river to watch it dance gaily on the ripples. Wobbling and swaying merrily on the swell it rode the waves as I hopped gingerly besides it. It slowly drifted away from me and into the deep waters…I panicked and cried aloud but only my wails echoed in reply. I watched as it reduced to a minute speck in the midst of the flow and then soon sank into the benthic bottoms of the great river.

I am losing you

Monday, December 7, 2009


She walked away through the tortuous path with inert steps Her lithe silhouette gradually dissolving in the dark mist that had crept in to the garden and overhung the place. The sky, at dusk, had donned a hue of trampled lilacs. At this hour the vicinity registered, apart from his grim presence, nothing but a deathly silence. Reality sank in as he waved his arm hesitatingly and tried to utter a desperate cry beseeching her to stop….but the sounds froze on his lips. The only sound that were discernible were the rustle of dry dioscorea leaves on the xanthous dessicated turf and the occasional clank of a blacksmith’s hammer pounding relentlessly on smelted cast from a distance.

A sharp north westerly swept across the plane and slapped his cheek freezing the drops that had rolled down from his eyes. He was broken, mute and rooted .A chilling darkness had ominously encroached upon the garden rendering everything that once stood bright and gleeful into obscure and stygian shadows…..Thus, some day in January ended into a bleak nightfall…Loose ends recklessly left to pine….

Winter lingered on.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Freeway

He raced past another milestone.His fingers breezing on the steer wheel as the wind whistled past his ears. The huge sun sinking beneath an unnumbered horizon left the entire basin awash with mellow orange, promising to dawn in hope. The dull stench of the loamy top soil typical to the region entered him intermittently.

He kept smiling to himself all the while. .There were no fetters now No frets either. People, few of whom mattered, had approved…the rest frowned, cursed and raised eyebrows. None of this made sense now. He had ,anyways, left all of them behind.

He had now arrived at that lonely stretch of the highway where very few commuters would bother to accompany.

He again whizzed past yet another milestone. Thoughts of his sweetheart and life (whatever was left of it) with her left his heart warm and peaceful.

The door creaked open as she, still standing tall, carried herself out into the dusk and stood leering into the distance longingly...awaiting him.

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Stranger I am

It was gaining ground within me. Every passing day it spread its menacing roots deeper. The angst was gnawing at my convictions. From each of my actions , shrieked an echo of the clamor concussing me from the very touchstone of all things that I stood for.

The cause of this slow but sure cataclysm, however, was somehow undeterminable. I was unsure, shaky and, worst of all, aware of the impending upheaval . I ransacked my entire being but all I managed to find was a strange void engulfing me inside out. Scared that I won’t be able to endure this inexplicable change all the more with the weight of a jeopardized ego bearing down upon me …. I panicked, grew impatient and all it did was nourish this row being raged within me.

My existence had been reduced to a perfunctory drudge.. People saw me, met me and interacted with me but failed to perceive this shadow which had interlaced deep into me. I was dragging my schism shredded ramshackled fragments on the face of the earth with a lost sense of purpose…

The Scream : Painting by Edward Munch

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


My mind convicts me…
….for the treason…the deceit…
Hope is delirious..faith is forfeit..

Lust is all that I had….
Lust is all that I gave…

….I expect no mercy…
I expect no acquit….
…..The deeds of my rage…
….now shall He avenge…
The lust for gems…the lust for the sword..
The lust for life…..the lust shall corrode.
With a soul compromised
And a heart disdained
When nothing else stayed
….My lust still swayed

Lust is all that I had…Lust is all that I gave…

Friday, September 4, 2009

''karmaņy evā ‘dhikāras te
mā phalesu kadācana
mā karmaphalahetur bhūr
ma te saňgo ‘stv akarmaņi''

To action alone has thou a right and never at all to its fruits; let not the fruits of action be thy motive; neither let there be in thee any attachment to inaction

Saturday, February 14, 2009

It’s that time of the year again

It’s that time of the year again

Of falling leaves and failing dreams
…kisses and scorns.hugs and severance

Cries and sighs….fits of joy..
Setting suns and hopes afloat…..
‘'Things will change'’….but they never do….
Life seems complete …..missing you….

Of Calm seas….of the turmoils within
The ghost touch, the warmth …. the intimacy
…murky hallways ..forlorn with grief
Twinkling mirth…..fading desires
Zephyrs monstering into storms
…..of the smothering reds
……and the longing blues

Promises unkept….words unsaid….deeds undone
….phantoms in silence….shadows in the dark
Of drying tears and echoing scoffs…

……There will be another year….another winter….another spring…..another smile
………..another sob….
……There will never be another you….

Aaah yes……
Happy Valentine’s Day